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Learn More About Us

Business Description

Transfr is building classroom-to-career pathways for millions of workers who will be the future of every industry via hands-on training using immersive technologies and in partnership with schools, businesses, and governments.

Career Opportunities

Sales, Marketing, Customer service, VR designers

About Our Exhibit

Experience 35 occupations which are Prosperously compensated, accessible, and in high demand in Wisconsin. Zone 1 - Construction
- Underground Drilling
- Solar Panel on Home
Zone 2 - IT -App Service Outage.
-Hospitality - Hotel Font Desk (1.0)
Zone 3 - Health - Surgical Tech
Law - Help at Car Crash

Zone 4- Manufacturing - Contaminated Microchips
Welding assembly line
Zone 5 - Transportation - Oil Change (1.0)
Warehousing - Crane Operator (1.0)


"Today's Youth, Tomorrow's Workforce

© 2024 by DCSC

5900 Monona Dr. #202

Monona, WI 53716


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